Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 2 - Service Begins!

Today we started with the projects and setup for Sports Camp, VBS, and Culture Camp. Our team has had an impact on the people of Kake already. The guests coming for our meals have been overwhelming (we are nearly running out of food for every meal which is awesome!). VBS has had a record turn out with 18 kids the first day and we expect even more tomorrow! Our craft supplies are running out so the team is coming up with new ideas to meet the increased number of kids. Sports Camp was also a hot spot for kids tonight! For the first time, we had to have the younger kids separated from the older ones. There was approximately 30 kids in attendance. Prayers are needed for Emmanuel as he tries to figure out a plan for so many kids! The construction projects are also coming together.
Perry led the landscape team today as they cleaned up the park, mowed the grass, and weed whipped. This was no easy task because the tools that are so readily available to us in Woodbury might not be in Kake, so it is always an adventure. The roof construction process was under a bit of stress in the morning. The box of fasteners that was sent from Minnesota had not arrived and we were going to need to improvise with the parts we could scrounge up in Kake. As always, God came through with the package arriving right at lunch time. The new dishwasher is nearly installed and the new stove is getting a major workout! The new refrigerator has been very useful for storing the added supplies needed to support our mission to the community of Kake.

Even though we have been busy with all these activities, our main focus is on building and developing relationships with the people of Kake. God has already blessed our work in the community as we see more people willing to share their stories with us. It is really cool to see how God's love is being shown. Words cannot express the way He is moving in both the hearts of those who live in Kake and those of us who are blessed to experience life here for a short time.

Drew convinced Dan and Abbey that it was a good idea to jump in the ocean. This was a great bonding moment.

Sports camp started out the evening festivities with prayer.

The sports camp kids playing soccer with Abbey and Perry.


  1. Wow! You guys rock! What a great start to the week in Kake. Great turnouts. It will be wonderful having new appliances and a dishwasher (Emmanuel will be thankful for sure). Great job blogging - thanks! Helps us feel connected even though we aren't in Kake this year. Our hearts are in Kake with you. We continue to pray for safety and open hearts and ears for all.
    Diann and Steve

    1. Thanks! for your prayers Diann & Steve, there have been quite a few people asking for you around Kake
